Located in Batubura, Tanjung Isuy, East Kalimantan, Tunas Mekar Batubura Community or usually called TMB, producing ulap doyo made by doyo fiber.
There are 30 artisans from weaver, doyo fiber makers, etc. Tunas Mekar Batubura now collaborated with Rumah Rakuji, producing sophisticated yet marvelous wearable doyo textile.
Mrs. Abadi, born on 24th April 1970, mother of 3 children from Batubura, Tanjung Isuy, East Kalimantan, has learned weaving since high school and learned it from her mother. In her spare time, she sews some clothes. In one month, she can weave one ulap doyo a month because of the long and handmade process.
Mrs. Lelut, born on 5th July 1960, mother of 3 children from Batubura, Tanjung Isuy, East Kalimantan, has learned weaving since 1975, she learned it from another old woman near her place. In her spare time, she does selling foods & beverages in the stall. In one month, she can weave one ulap doyo a month because of the long and handmade process.
Mrs. Tri, born on 27th April 1982, mother of 3 children from Batubura, Tanjung Isuy, East Kalimantan, has learned weaving since elementary, from her mother. She dedicated her life to weaving, she will teach her daughter to become a weaver master like her. In one month, she can weave one ulap doyo a month because of the long and handmade process.
Mrs. Arena, born on 20th April 1964, mother of 4 children from Batubura, Tanjung Isuy, East Kalimantan, has learned weaving since young, she mastered it from her mom and her grandmother. In her spare time, she does farming, in one month, she can weave one ulap doyo a month because of the long and handmade process.